Get Involved
The UKA Disclosure and Barring Service application is an online form. This system not only makes it easier for individual’s to apply for a DBS but also makes it quicker by streamlining the process. Follow the steps below to apply for a new DBS check (if you have a DBS go to the bottom of the page):
Log onto your myATHLETICS Portal. If this is the first time you are applying for a coaches or officials licence, you would have had an account created for you when you applied to attend a course, in your confirmation email you will find your URN number (this is the same as your WA number).
Once you have logged in you will see your personal details section. At the bottom of the first section shows the current status of your DBS.
Click on the appropriate link to update your DBS. Follow the on-screen instructions.
You will need to provide three forms of identification to the person you chose as your verifier. The online process will state who you can use as a verifier and suggest verifiers local to you. You can click here to see what identification you can use.
Once you have completed an online application it is processed and you will receive your DBS certificate in the post. Once UKA have received an electronic copy of your DBS certificate your licence will be produced and sent out.
Want to learn more about DBS checks in sport? Listen to this podcast by the NSPCC.
Verification process
The applicant:
It is possible for you to select a local verifier online.
If you are not able to access the online application system, please contact the UKA Welfare team on 0121 713 8450 or email: dbs@uka.org.uk
The Verifier:
If the applicant selects to have the application emailed, you will receive a notification email stating that they have nominated you as their verifier.
The email will link you to the applicant’s verification page, this link stays live until you have completed and submitted the verification form online.
You will need to physically see three forms of identification in your evidence checker role. Once you have completed your checks and are satisfied as to the identity of the applicant, complete the verification page and submit the document online.
Paper verification applications:
The applicant must supply the printed verification application form along with their identification documents to the local verifier. Once checked, the applicant then must forward their form to ‘Athletics Welfare, PO Box 332, Sale, Manchester, M33 6XL’. UKA will then complete the verification process.
DBS checks from different organisations
UKA can only accept enhanced certificates completed through other organisations if the certificate is registered with the DBS Update Service. If the certificate is registered, the applicant will need to forward a scanned PDF or photograph of the certificate to dbs@uka.org.uk. If it isn’t registered, they will need to apply for a new FREE DBS certificate via their online UKA portal.
For more information on the service click here.
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