What's coming up for Coaches?
27/04/2020 00:00, In Blog /
Over the coming weeks, we will be supporting the community to “Stay Involved” by creating opportunities to engage with other coaches, practitioners, and useful information around coaching process and practice.
Coaching Insights Q&A Series
These intimate interviews will unlock the narrative behind some of our Welsh and International coaches. They will discuss their coaching beliefs and practices, whilst sharing some tips and tricks for getting the best out of athletes.
- Tony Houchin - Coach of Welsh Female Marathon record holder, Natasha Cockram, based out in the USA and experienced at coaching at distance.
Webinar Stay Involved Series
The webinars will provide practical takeaways for developing coaches across event groups .The format will help to bring to life the “what to coach” from a technical point of view, by problem solving the needs of an athlete and the “how to coach”. There will also be theme relating to effective planning and programming.
- The first webinar is on the “Physiology of Endurance Running – Theory and Practical Application”.
This will be hosted by Dan Nash (Wales and GB endurance athlete and PhD Physiology candidate) as a 2 part webinar and will take place on Monday May 4th and Monday March 11th. Please follow the link for more details: https://www.welshathletics.org/en/events/coaching-courses. The full webinar series will be released shortly.
Physical Preparation Staying Involved Series
This blend of video and pdf resources (based on the WA Physical Preparation Coaching Resource) are aimed at reinforcing that although all athletics events require the athletes to possess some unique physical capabilities, all sport related movements are advanced derivatives of fundamental movement skills and movement patterns.
The first is the series is “What is movement competency?” The resource introduces practical skills you can use to problem solve the movement of your athletes using animal movements, giving what to cue and what to coach depending on the needs of the athlete.
- For more coaching news, resources and signposting please subscribe to our We Coach Wales Newsletter.