Development and Performance
Regional Development Programme
The Regional Development Programme (RDP) is the first step on the Athlete Development Pathway. The aim of RDP is to deliver event group specific training days for athletes and coaches across Wales.
The Regional Development Programme is underpinned by athlete and coach competency frameworks.The Regional Development Programme Coach and Athlete Competency Frameworks lay out the skills, knowledge and behaviours we wish to develop in the coaches and athletes who take part in this initiative. RDP Coach Competency Framework and RDP Athlete Competency Framework.
The programme is driven by the National Talent Development Coordinators and delivered by Regional Coordinators in each event group
Each regional development coordinator will have support coaches aligned to their event group who will assist in the delivery of the programme.
Regional Development Activity Aims:
- To introduce a holistic and process focused approach to long term athlete development
- To develop “brilliant basics” in the early stage of event group development
- To develop a collaborative and skilled coaching network across each event group in every region of Wales
- To improve athlete retention in U17 and U20 age groups
- To provide a fun and engaging training environment for young athletes
The Regional Training Days will be a 6-day modular offer over two years across the four regions of Wales.
To download the updates RDP dates flyer, click here. To book on for the RDP Day 2 click here.
The Regional Training Days are led by the Regional Leads and the Regional Support Coaches. They will provide Event Group level athletes and their coaches with an opportunity to acquire, develop, apply, and embed the knowledge and skills they need to create positive and effective training environments across Wales. The days will be a mixture of both skills based and education-based learning focusing on development of technical, physical and athlete lifestyle and behaviours.
Athletes must be in the upper U15 (year 9) age group or above to access the programme. You must be actively competing/training in your chosen event group to be eligible for the Regional Development Programme. Invites to the initiative will be sent out by the regional leads (apart from in the jumps and throws event group where the days will be open invite). Coaches can attend the day and will be invited by the Regional Coordinators.
The development of coaches is a key driver of RDP. Any coach holding a UKA coaching assistant qualification or above can attend the RDP. Coaches will have to register express interest via a online form if they wish to attend the days. They will then be contacted by the Regional Cordinator for their event group.
Alongside attendance at Regional Training Days coaches will have access to a coach learning resource database which will be aligned to the Coach Competency Framework.
Please visit the coach development page for more details on the RDP coach development offer.
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