Fell & Mountain
Llanthony Show Junior Fell Race & East Wales Junior Championships (U15, U17 and U19)

U15 – 11:15am
U17 & U19 – 12:15pm
LOCATION: Llanthony Show Ground, NP7 7NN
RACE ORGANISER WEBSITE: https://sites.google.com/site/welshfellrace/individual-races/llanthony-show
RACE ORGANISER CONTACT: Thomas_meredith1@btinternet.com
ENTRY FEES: £3 plus show entry of £5 (Entries on the day)
U17 and U19
The U17 and U19 runners follow the senior race route and run with the senior runners.
The race starts and finishes in the show ground with live commentary over the show PA. The route goes out across the event field and through a gate at the top. After a traverse of another field, the route starts heading up through steep farmland. A stile from this leads to the open fell. At this time of year the bracken is high and a small path zig zags up through it, partly on an old broken down wall. A final push over heather and bilberry takes you onto Offa's Dyke path. South along this leads to a path heading back towards Llanthony. The path is rocky in places. A stile into the farmland brings a steep and often rutted steep descent back to the event field.
The majority of the route is marked and some attempt is made to clear a way through the head high bracken on the ascent.
The U15 race starts in the show ground but a short way from the finish (runners please pay attention to where the race finishes!). The route is the same as the U17 and U19 with the exception that the runners do not ascend to the top of the ridge and cut across the side of the open fell to rejoin the descent of the U17/U19 race.
The route is on the attached map. There will be signs and marshals at key junctions.
Age Categories
Age as at 31 Dec 2023; ie:
U15 – born 2009 or 2010
U17 – born 2007 or 2008
U19 – born 2005 or 2006
For safety, kit is important.
Kit to carry or wear will be decided on the day according to prevailing weather conditions.
Please bring all kit in case you need to carry it.
Kit list: waterproof coat and trousers, hat, gloves, map & compass, whistle (and a bag to run with kit in!).
Llanthony Show Ground (SO289275). Allow sufficient time, narrow lanes can be congested with show traffic. Start time could be delayed.
For more details on the event, please visit: https://sites.google.com/site/welshfellrace/individual-races/llanthony-show
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