Winter 2023/24 Fixtures

20/09/2023 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board / Cross Country / Track & Field /
This winter will see a wide range of Indoor Track & Field and Off-Track competitions.
The Indoor Track & Field season will get underway with the Welsh Athletics & Welsh Schools Combined Events Championships in the National Indoor Athletics Centre, in Cardiff.
Whilst the pinnacle of Cross Country competitions in Wales will return on the 11 of November, with the Cardiff Cross Challenge taking place in Llandaff Fields. The World Athletics Gold Standard fixture will host the first fixture of the UK Cross Challenge Series and provide a great opportunity to face the best British athletes ahead of the European Trials at Liverpool two weeks later.
Indoor Track & Field Fixtures
Date |
Fixture |
Location |
05/11/2023 |
Welsh Athletics / Welsh Schools Combined Events Championships |
02/12/2023 | Cardiff Met Schools Combined Events International | NIAC |
03/12/2023 |
09/12/2023 |
Deeside |
17/12/2023 |
07/01/2024 | Junior Indoor Open 2 | NIAC |
20/01/2024 |
Deeside |
21/01/2024 |
27/01/2024 & 28/01/2024 |
03/02/2024 & 04/02/2024 |
*Fixtures include events organised by Cardiff Met
Cross Country Fixtures
Date |
Fixture |
Location |
11/11/2023 |
Llandaff Fields |
18/11/2023 |
Dolerw Park, Newtown |
17/02/2024 |
Brecon High School |
28/02/2024 |
Brecon High School |