Welsh Championship Status Update
16/07/2020 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
2020 Track & Field Championships
A number of discussions have taken place in recent weeks around the viability of our summer Welsh Championship events in light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. It is with a heavy heart that the Track & Field Committee have made the recommendation that neither the Welsh Junior or Senior Championships take place in 2020. Concerns were raised around athlete readiness for a Championship competition after such a long period with no facility access throughout Wales. Strict restrictions are also still in place within Wales on the permitted size of gathering and this would need to be reflected by a limit to the number of athletes competing at any given competition.
Whilst this decision has been an incredibly difficult one given the popularity of Welsh Championship events in recent years, it has been taken with the safety of all attending these competitions in mind.
Welsh Athletics are working hard behind the scenes on a return to competition during August. A number of pilot events will run on the weekend of the 15-16th August, allowing us to ensure that new processes now in place for events are appropriate for all. Any learning from these pilot events will inform the guidance that is issued to clubs and competition providers to allow them to safely stage competitions during this time with a tried and tested template for delivery.
To discuss this guidance, please contact Rhiannon@welshathletics.org.
Further details of pilot events will be confirmed in the coming days.
We would like to thank everyone for their patience during this incredibly challenging period for our sport.
2020 Welsh Road Relay Championships
In a similar vein, it is with regret that the Road & Cross Country Committee have agreed that the 2020 edition of the Welsh Road Relay Championships will not take place. Typically, we would see between 400-600 athletes attend this event and it is not clear at this critical planning stage, whether gatherings of this size would be either safe or permitted on the date that the event is scheduled for.
A virtual offering will be explored in the coming weeks as a replacement for this hugely popular event with our clubs. The format of this will be confirmed once we have more understanding of the restrictions that are likely to still be in place at that time.