The new booking system, Athletics Hub, has now launched

05/07/2019 00:00, In Blog /
We are excited to announce the new launch of the Athletics Hub, the new booking system for all qualification and development opportunities for coaches, as well as officials. This new system is being used by all Home Country Athletics Federations and British Athletics.
The evolution of the existing booking system enables you to access all your learning in one place. Replacing the ulearnathletics.com system, all existing bookings will be automatically transferred to the athletics hub system, with all reminders/ communications coming from Athletics Hub going forward. Your existing login details (username and password) have also been reassigned to www.athleticshub.co.uk.
The new system will also enable you to make multiple bookings, to help you plan and book your learning journey in advance, something which is not available at the moment. In the coming months, www.athleticshub.co.uk will also provide personalised resources which connect to your own interests and qualification choices.
If you are currently working through an online qualification this change will not affect your progress, as this will be transferred across to the new system. Your online course or qualification course resources can be found by following the below steps:
1.Log in to Athletics Hub using the same URN and password that you currently use to log in to ulearnathletics.com.
2.Click on the Online Courses link on the left hand side of the page.
3.Click on Go to My Learning.
4.Scroll to find your course as you have previously done on ulearnathletics.com
All qualified coaches/ officials and those just starting their journey should receive all this information directly by email.
In addition, any existing uLearn ‘vouchers’ will automatically be transferred to the new system so can be redeemed as normal, within Athletics Hub.
If you have any questions, please contact learn@britishathletics.org.uk
Alternatively, if you haven’t yet started your athletics journey or looking to move on to the next step, you can see all our available officials courses here and coaching courses here.