09/11/2020 00:00, In Blog /
It has been a long wait over the last couple of weeks however today is the day that Firebreak lockdown in Wales ends and clubs and groups across the country will return to training activities under the auspices of the Welsh Athletics Return to Activity guidance.
This is a huge boost for the sport and the easing of restrictions will allow for a much wider return to activity and increase opportunities for all age groups across all parts of Wales. To further support the return to activity and address any additional concerns, Welsh Government have produced a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions document.
Throughout the firebreak period we bought you the #MADFirebreakChallenge and it was fantastic to see how many people across Wales got involved. We all know how important it is to get out and get active when you can a from both a physical and mental well-being perspective. The challenge looked to encourage as many people as possible to get out and enjoy the fresh air with 13 different themed days of activity. Details of what happened throughout that period can be found on the Welsh Athletics Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, just search using the hastag: #MADFirebreakChallenge
Want to #SupportYourClub? Coming Up…
On Tuesday the 17th November (7pm), sees the hosting of a session with the Athletics Pride Network. The Athletics Pride Network (APN) is an initiative focused on making our sport safe and welcoming for all people within athletics. Further details of the ‘Meet the Athletics Pride Network’ session can be found here.
A direct registration link can be found here:
Going live on Thursday 19th November (7pm) is the Profiling/Planning and Programming for the Junior Athlete session. A must for all aspiring coaches, you’ll hear from members of the Welsh Athletics Coaching Team outlining how to profile an athlete and use the information gathered to adapt, plan and program a athletes training. Further information available here. This will go live on the Welsh Athletics YouTube channel at 7pm on 19th…
Just in case you missed it…
We have had a range of excellent sessions delivered recently including;
Olympic Medalist Kelly Sotherton talked to us about her athlete journey and the transition from junior to senior success and playing the long game… Watch the ‘All or Nothing Kelly Sotherton - An Athlete’s Journey’ episode here.
Coaching Infrastructure Review session… Zoe Brown and Hannah Pretty talk all things coaching and how to effectively review the provision within your environment the Coaching Infrastructures Workshop is available here.