Self Care for All
14/01/2021 00:00, In Blog /
Be Kind to Yourself
It is understandable that during this period of National Lockdown, where we are revisiting the tightest of restrictions, people may be experiencing various feelings and emotions, such as anxiety, lack of motivation or generally feeling a bit flat. Therefore, it is really important that throughout this time everyone prioritises themselves, their own mental wellbeing, and focus on self-care.
What is Self Care?
Self Care is one way to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself as it produces positive feelings and can boosts your confidence and self-esteem as well as reminding yourself and others that you and your needs are important too!
What is the Self Care Series?
This series on Self Care is a collaboration piece between Sport Wales, Welsh Athletics, and other Sport Governing Bodies and aims to provide Athletes, Coaches, and Volunteers across the Sport with short video clips and resources on:
- Tips on how to best practice Self Care
- Explain the barriers and challenges that you may be facing when focusing on Self Care
- Identify some practical examples and resources, which will provide you with more information on Self Care
Managing Uncertainty
Following on from the Self Care series and continuing to promote positive mental health and wellbeing, we have the Manage Uncertainty Series.
In addition to feeling flat and unmotivated the pandemic many of us are feeling uncertain about the current situation as well as the future that lies ahead. This uncertainty can be caused by experiencing events that are unparallel to normal life, worrying about our safety and the safety of loved ones and the unknown. Truth be told uncertainties are a fact of life and having the ability to manage uncertainties is very important.
Again this series on Managing Uncertainty is a collaboration piece between Sport Wales, Welsh Athletics, and other Sport Governing Bodies and aims to provide athletes and coaches with short video clips and practical resources on the following:
- How to Accept Uncertainty
- Control the Controllables
- Tips on How to Practice Gratitude
- Using your Support Network
- Staying in the Present
- Control your Breathing
Believe Perform Partnership
In addition to the above resources, Welsh Athletics has formed a new working relationship with Believe Perform to help support the mental health of the athletics and running community.
The agreement, featuring all four Home Country Athletics Federations [HCAFs] and British Athletics, will see new online resources designed by Believe Perform’s sports psychology and mental health experts being provided for athletes, coaches and parents.
Welsh Athletics will access 400 Believe Perform resource licenses for coaches and athletes currently within the Welsh Talent Pathway and Funded Programmes. In addition, it will allow us to support the developing coaches associated with the range of regional and national activities currently on offer.
Training courses, articles, and infographics on sports psychology, mental health, and wellbeing will be available to help inform, educate, and support members and member clubs during this current period of uncertainty and anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
If you would like to register your interest to access the platform please email zoe.brown@welshathletics.org