Parents in Sport Week - Sports Parents & Families
05/10/2021 00:00, In Blog /
During previous lockdowns Sport Wales on behalf of Welsh Athletics produced and released some very informative webinar presentations on Parent Club Relationships.
Firstly, the Sports Parents and Families webinar covered the vital role parents play in supporting a child in a sport which contributes to their enjoyment and success. Sport Wales Lifestyle Performance Advisor Zoe Eaton explored the challenges parents and athletes, face when navigating a sports pathway. The webinar incorporates an introduction to performance lifestyle, introduction to long term athlete development, how to support your athlete in “the car journey home”, social media, and communicating with coaches and school,
You can watch the webinar here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrAm-hVxTUk
The second webinar again Led by Zoe Eaton and supported by Sarah Carvell a performance psychologist also from Sport Wales was on How to Work Together to Create a Positive Athlete Environment, the webinar incorporated insights and research from athletes, parents and coaches, hints and tips for promoting a positive club environment and coaches & parents engagement.
You can watch the webinar here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvaiMYOuyZ4