Outcomes of successful Annual General Meeting
28/10/2020 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
The Annual General Meeting of Welsh Athletics took place on Saturday 24th October online for the first time.
The new format proved popular with over 50 people attending, and the absence of needing to travel, on what was another wet late October Saturday, being appreciated by many. The key outcomes from the meeting are listed below with full draft minutes to follow. A separate article acknowledging and celebrating this year's award winners will be published shortly.
Welsh Athletics Membership Fee
- The Members approved a proposal to hold annual club affiliation and athlete registration fees at their current level and delay the planned increase that had been agreed at last year's AGM
Athlete Advisory Groups
- The Members approved an amendment to the Byelaws of Welsh Athletics which will see three athlete advisory groups formally established to represent the views of athletes in the community. All three groups will report into the General Council.
- Junior Athlete Voice, Senior Athlete Advisory Group, and Masters Athlete Advisory Group.
- Sue Alvey was nominated and approved by the Members as Chair of General Council
- Jamie Clode was nominated and approved by the Members as Secretary of General Council