New Bridgend track gets official launch

05/10/2021 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board / Track & Field /
Bridgend AC were delighted to finally officially open their new track on Saturday 2nd October following COVID postponements.
Welsh Athletics and Bridgend AC would like to extend our thanks to Sport Wales, Bridgend County Borough Council, Bridgend Town Council - who all contributed to the cost of the track - with £50,000 invested by the club itself.
In a timely coincidence, we recently re-branded the club. What was Bridgend Athletics Club, is now Bridgend Athletics, which leads into Welsh Athletics, and into British Athletics. The revamp is partly to distinguish us from other sports clubs in the area. But the name change also represents the pathway in the sport of track and field, cross country and road running – Bridgend Athletics leads to Welsh Athletics, and later British Athletics.
"You and everyone else who has been involved in getting the facility build, maintained and enhanced in the way that it has over the past few years should be immensely proud of the achievement. It is certainly a model that many clubs across Wales should look to replicate."
James Williams, CEO, Welsh Athletics
While our invited guests took the podium to speak, our junior athletes were running lap after lap on London Marathon weekend.
The target? To cover the marathon distance, twice, and raise enough money for a defibrillator of our own. At the time of writing, we’ve raised a hefty £2,510 (with more to come in). £1,500 will get us the defibrillator we’ve had our eye on, and the rest will be put into junior development.
- Our athletes ran 687 laps of our 300m track. Over 128 miles. Nearly 5 full marathons.
- The quickest marathon team effort was a swift 3:12:29.
A roll-call of those taking part, despite the grey and gloomy weather were:
- Alex Clarke, Bel Durrant, Bethan Deeks, Calla Davies, Daisy Cowan-Baylis, Daisy Lewis, Eli Phillips, Ffion Calford, Ffion Howe, Flo Durrant, Fraser Higginson, Freya Allen, Freya Helling, Gemma Price, Grace Baynham, Grace James, Grace Patterson, Hollie Lewis, Imogen Vecchi, Isabelle Sheppard, Isobel Davies, Jacob Barnes, Jake Beynon, Joshua James Crump, Katy Griffiths, Lewis Barnes, Lili Whitcombe, Lily May Crump, Maya Hodges, Megane Howe, Noah Roberts, Rhydian Lloyd-Francis, Scarlett Hodges, Seren Hardman, Skye Evans, Sophie Coles, Sydney Spear, Tiffany Sheppeard, Tom Clarke, Tom Coles
“I’d like to pay tribute to all the parents, grandparents, all the people that get behind the sport. There’s a lot of people that contribute behind the scenes, making it happen. On days like this. Standing on the side lines. Getting wet.” John Spanswick