#FeatureFriday with Menai Track & Field
28/08/2020 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
We have been reporting on some of the great work that has been carried out by clubs across Wales throughout the pandemic and one club that is certainly not holding back is Menai Track & Field.
From very early on, the club worked hard with Bangor University to establish access to the facility to help the club athletes return to training. The club continued this close working relationship teaming up with the university’s School of Sport, Health & Exercise Sciences and have continued to work closely on other collaborative projects as we start to move towards the winter season and a wider return to club activity.
This year the club is also celebrating its 20th anniversary and the recent club awards highlighted the achievements of some of the clubs rising stars.
In a boost to club finances, Menai Track & Field are one of a number of athletics clubs across Wales that have successfully applied for a grant through the Sport Wales Be Active Wales Fund. The grant will help and assist the club to get back to training more efficiently and effectively. Aligned to this there has been a great response to a recent recruitment drive initiated by the club for new volunteers, coaches and officials.
Looking ahead the club have planned the Mini Menai Track & Field Competition taking place on 6th September and in other news the club has teamed up with Total Teamwear and Joma to launch their new training and competition range of kit. There is an added bonus for the clubs coaches is that they will rewarded by the club with new coaching kit ready for the months ahead.
It has been a busy few months for the North Wales club and they certainly don’t show any signs of slowing down…
Read more about the club activities in the latest Menai Track & Field newsletter.
If you'd like to share some good news about your club to be featured, email Media@welshathletics.org.