2022/2023 Annual Report Now Live

10/10/2023 00:00, In Blog / Club Notice Board /
The 2022/23 Annual Report of Welsh Athletics is now available to read here.
Steve Perks, Welsh Athletics Chair shared:
“Without a doubt the world of athletics is back with a vengeance. At all levels participation seems to be getting closer to those previously seen pre Covid. Obviously, this is not true in every area but in the main we have seen an increase in numbers, this is to be congratulated and it shows the good work being made by all within the sport."
“Heb os nac oni bai mae’r byd athletau yn ôl o ddifri’. Mae’n ymddangos bod safon y cystadlu ar nifer o lefelau yn dod yn nes at yr hyn a welwyd yn flaenorol cyn Covid. Yn amlwg, nid yw hyn yn wir ym mhob disgyblaeth, ond ar y cyfan rydym wedi gweld cynnydd mewn niferoedd, ac mae hyn i’w longyfarch, ac yn dangos y gwaith da sy’n cael ei wneud gan bawb ar bob haen o fewn y gamp.”
James Williams, Welsh Athletics CEO:
“The past 12 months have seen the organisation putting the foundations in place to enable the sport to grow and flourish in an ever-changing social environment. Having spent the past few years reacting to the challenges of the pandemic, it was important to re-focus the organisation’s attention to delivering against the strategic aims established in the Autumn of 2019.”
Read the Annual Report Here!