Teacher Training Opportunities
For secondary school teachers & trainee teachers, we offer:
Teaching Secondary School Athletics Workshop. £60pp. This can be an online or face to face, 3 x Two hour or one 6 hour workshop covering the topics of:
- Teaching Running Events & Developing Pupils Engagement
- Teaching Jumping Events & How to deliver an Inclusive, Child-Centred Approach
- Teaching Throwing Events & Developing Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans
Each workshop is accompanied by free access to the Secondary Schools App-based Resource, associated with the workshop topic (i.e. If you attend the running workshop you will get the Running Teaching Resource, but if you attend all three workshops you will get the full secondary schools bundle). These resources include:
- Examples of Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans
- Technical tips on how to teach sprints, endurance, jumps and throws events
- Activity cards covering a full range of athletics events for pupils aged 11+
- Pupil Tasks Cards for greater independent learning
The resources associated with this workshop are provided via the Schools Athletics App, which has been designed to place running, jumping and throwing at the heart of school physical education, whilst supporting teachers in delivering athletics activities in an inclusive, exciting and engaging manner.
If you would like to attend or book for your staff a teachers education workshop please email andrew.jenkins@welshathletics.org who will support you in making or scheduling a booking
For primary school teachers & trainee teachers, we offer:
Run Jump Throw Teaching Primary School Athletics Workshop. £50pp. The aim of this course is to provide teachers, new teachers and trainee teachers and others working in primary schools with the knowledge, skills and confidence to deliver enjoyable and engaging running, jumping and throwing lessons that focus on maximum participation, increasing understanding and skill acquisition based upon high quality technical models. If you would like a workshop delivered please email education@welshathletics.org to request a course for your staff or students.
The workshop involves:
- Interactive and practical activities
- An extensive Teaching Resource which includes:
- Two examples of Schemes of Work and two blocks of 6 week lesson plans
- Over 20 activity cards covering running, jumping and throwing
- A series of support cards on How to Measure a pupils progression and improvement, Top Tip Inclusion Cards, Team Relays and Timed Runs information cards.
Aimed at qualified and trainee teachers and those who support in the delivery of high quality sport and physical education in primary schools. The workshop aims to give the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary to deliver enjoyable and engaging lessons that focus on encouraging maximum participation and increasing understanding, skill acquisition, fitness and enjoyment of children.
The Resource
Run, Jump, Throw embraces a child’s natural desire to move. The resource focuses upon running, jumping and throwing, the building blocks of athletics, which in turn underpin nearly all other sports and physical activities. Within this resource teachers will find three teaching sections covering the main stages of development:
- Ages 5 - 7 Years
- Ages 7 - 9 Years
- Ages 9 - 12 Years
Featured links
Useful pages within this section you may like to consider visiting.