Menstrual cycle 101

Event Start: 01/10/2023 12:00
Event Ends: 01/01/2030 12:00
Menstrual Cycle 101
Y Cylch Mislif mewn Chwaraeon
The menstrual cycle is known to affect female athletes, negatively impacting training and performance. However, this doesn’t have to be the case; with the correct support, developed through awareness and understanding embedded into coaching and athlete practice, an individual who menstruates should be able to perform optimally throughout their cycle.
This free of charge module provides an introduction to the menstrual cycle in sport focusing on the biology, symptom awareness and management along with advice on ‘starting the conversation’ with female athletes.
The Welsh Institute of Performance Science is offering menstrual cycle in sport courses and workshops via a mix of online and face-to-face opportunities.
Menstrual cycle 101
Learning intention: Provides an introduction to the menstrual cycle in sport focussing on the biology, symptom awareness and management along with advice on ‘starting the conversation’ with female athletes.
- Online learning module
- Available in English and Welsh
- Developed by the Welsh Institute of Performance Science, informed by elite female athlete experiences in sport
- Contains videos, quizzes, practical scenarios and certificate is awarded at the end
- Suitable for coaches, lead coaches and anyone supporting individuals who menstruate in sport
Available free-of-charge for a limited time.
Book your place here - The Menstrual Cycle in Sport (disabilitysportwales.com)
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