Face to face Level 1 Track Judge (WATJ22.3) Swansea

Event Start: 27/07/2022 18:00
Event Ends: 27/07/2022 20:00
For more information on how to navigate Athletics Hub click here. If you are having difficulties booking on a course please email learn@britishathletics.org.uk
The level 1 Track Official course is an entry level qualification on the UK Athletics Track & Field Officials pathway.
This online course will introduce candidates to the key roles, responsibilities and duties of a Track Official, including recording and reporting infringements, knowledge of track markings and judging lane lines and the finish.
For more details on the Level 1 Track Judge please click here.
Date: Wednesday 27th July 2022
Cost: Free
Time: 18:00 – 20:00
Officials outside of Wales please email officials@welshathletics.org
What else do you need once you have booked on your course?
To complete your license, you'll need to have a valid DBS check cleared with UK Athletics. You can check your DBS status and complete the process by logging into the UKA Members Portal Login, following the instructions below:
1. Click the link for the "myATHLETICS portal"
2. Insert your username (URN)
3. Once you have logged in you will see your personal details section. At the bottom of the first section shows the current status of your DBS.
4. Click on the appropriate link to update your DBS. Follow the on-screen instructions.
5. Upload a passport style photograph.
6. Complete the free online Health and Safety module.
From the 1st April 2022, all individuals taking an official’s course from the UKA Officials’ Education Pathway for the first time will be required to complete an online Safeguarding course. The course has been produced in partnership with a 3rd party provider (Educare) and is bespoke to athletics, UKA governance and home country legislation. The course has been evolved and updated over recent months in order to provide the best possible learning experience for you as an official.
From the 1st July 2022, all Officials will be required to complete the safeguarding course at the point of re-licencing.
For further information and to access the course which costs £10 follow the link below.
If you have already completed the Safeguarding in Athletics module as a coach/leader or as part of another volunteer role in athletics then there is not the requirement to complete it again until your licence is due for renewal.
More questions? To find out anything else about this course please contact officials@welshathletics.org
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