Track & Field
Swansea Harriers Open Meeting - POSTPONED

The Swansea Harriers Open Meeting due to take place on 29th March 2020 at the Swansea University Sports Village kindly sponsored by the staff at Atlas AV www.atlasav.com has now been POSTPONED
Head here to see a provisional timetable for the competition. Please avoid clashes as much as possible. The timetable will be adjusted after the closing date to cater for the number of athletes entered in each discipline.
Registration is 1 hour before your first event.
In Long Jump, Shot & Discus athletes are limited to a maximum of three trials each
Closing date for entries of 5pm Thursday 19th March
U11, U13 U15 & U17 athletes can enter a maximum of three events
U20 & Senior athletes can enter a maximum of 5 events
Under 11 Girls - Year 4 and 5 (Must be 9 on day of competition)
Under 11 Boys - Year 4 and 5 (Must be 9 on day of competition)
Under 13 Girls - Year 6 and 7
Under 13 Boys - Year 6 and 7
Under 15 Girls - Year 8 and 9
Under 15 Boys - Year 8 and 9
Under 17 Women - Year 10 and 11
Under 17 Men - Year 10 and 11
Under 20 Women - must be born on or between 01.01.00 to 31.08.02
Under 20 Men - must be born on or between 01.01.00 to 31.08.02
Senior Women - must be born on or before 31.12.00
Senior Men - must be born on or before 31.12.00
No refunds will be provided for cancellations
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