Track & Field
North Wales Indoor Regional Championships 2025

North Wales Indoor Regional Championships 2025
Sponsored by Coleg Cambria
Venue: Deeside Stadium
Timetable: Click Here
Before athletes enter you must be qualified through the eligibility criteria below, if you are not eligibile then you will not be allowed to enter. Eligibility:
1. Birth: born within the area covered by N.W.R.A.C.
2. Residence: Continuous current residence within the area covered by N.W.R.A.C. for at least 9 months.
3. Retention: An athlete may retain his/her existing qualification to represent N. Wales and compete in the N. Wales Regional Championship, provided that he/she has not represented another Region or County, nor competed in a different Regional or County Championship in the same year of competition.
4.Where an athlete competes for a club not based in Wales but does qualify on one of the above three criteria.
Junior Age Groups:
U13 = School year 6 & 7
U15 = School year 8 & 9
U17 = School year 10 & 11
- Masters may enter the senior age category and will be awarded medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the 35-39 age group and then 10 year age groups from M40.
- Athletes may bring their own equipment for field events (throws). Such implements must be weighed by a qualified official, to confirm that they conform to the appropriate age-specific regulation
- Qualification – only affiliated athletes eligible:
Events Available:
U13B & U13G = 60m, 60mH, High Jump, Long Jump, Shot Put
U15B & U15G = 60m, 60m Hurdles, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put.
U17 to Senior = 60m, 60m Hurdles, High Jump, Pole Vault, Triple Jump, Shot Put.
Masters included into Senior events
ENTRY FEE £6.00 per event. ENTRIES CLOSE: Monday 30th December 2024
- Max events for all age groups is 3 events [to help with timetable]
- Athletes need to register 90 minutes before an event
FINAL TIMETABLE will be sent to all paid entries' the w/c 6th January
All members shall be deemed to have made him/herself familiar with and agreed to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.The UKA Anti-Doping Rules apply to all members participating in Athletics for a minimum of 12 months from the commencement of membership, whether or not the member is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK. Any athlete wishing to retire from the sport of athletics must put this in writing to the club and England Athletics and cancel any applicable membership. Official retirement will remove the athlete from being under the auspices of UKA’s anti-doping rules.
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