Rhys Jones
Rhys Jones
Event : F37 100m / F37 200m
Best Performance : 11.69 / 24.23/24.22w
Coach : Kevin Williams
Club : DSW Para Academy/Rhondda
Achievements 2021 European Para Championships FORTH (100m, 12.16) 2021 European Para Championships FIFTH (200m, 24.60) 2018 Commonwealth Games SEVENTH (100m, 11.87) 2016 Paralympic Games SIXTH (100m, 11.94) 2012 Paralympic Games EIGHTH (200m, 24.68) 2012 Paralympic Games 5h1 (100m, 12.19) |
Rhys competes in the Commonwealth Games T38 100m Final on Wednesday 3rd August 2022.
In May 2012 he carried the Olympic torch through Briton Ferry, Wales. "It was an amazing experience to be part of the relay. I jogged the 300 metre section but it felt a lot longer than 300 metres when I was carrying the flame. People were jumping all over me to get photos. It was mad."
He won a special award at the 2012 Rhondda Cynon Taf Council Community Sports Awards to recognise his selection for the Great Britain Paralympic squad.
In late 2014 he returned to training after suffering from a bone stress injury. However, shortly after his return he sustained a hamstring injury and was unable to compete until April 2015.
Rhys's ambition is to win a medal at the Paralympic Games, and to compete at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, England.
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