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#Unite Network Workshop Series - Well-being Workshop


Event Start: 06/06/2021 18:30
Event Ends: 06/06/2021 20:00

Date: Sunday, June 6

Time: 6.30-8.00pm

Host: Anna Davies

Co-host: Zoe Brown

After such an unprecedented year, it is perhaps more important than ever to manage energy levels, expectations and prioritise self-care. For this reason, we are kicking off the series with a nod to Well-being, exploring what factors contribute to wellbeing and how to allow yourself the space to develop as a coach or leader.


  • Understanding what factors contribute to wellbeing and how you can manifest these in your working/ training environments.
  • What are your values and how they influence your decisions relating to coaching environments?
  • Setting and managing expectations to create your own psychological safety to develop as a coach

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