Lets Start The Conversation
Event Start: 02/06/2021 19:00
Event Ends: 02/06/2021 20:00
Members of the Junior Athlete Voice have set up a workshop for junior athletes to help support their mental health & well being. They have spent time considering the theme and topic of the workshop and have had a meeting with the deliverer of the workshop to tailor it to what they feel is needed for young people. It has been great to see the members of JAV getting involved in this project around something they feel passionate about. This workshop, specifically designed for our junior athletes will be delivered by Lloyd Ashley (Osprey's professional rugby player and founder of Living Well with Lloyd Ashley).
Date of virtual workshop: Wednesday 2nd June
Young people can register here for the workshop, spaces are limited so please register early to avoid disappointment!
The time of the workshop will be determined by an Instagram Poll (due to go live on Mon 31st May), but it will either be in the afternoon or evening.
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