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Junior Athlete Voice

Junior Athlete Voice is a panel we've established to give young people in our sport the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences with us.  Its made up of 7 athletes aged between 15-19 from across Wales. The Junior Athlete Voice is an opportunity for young athletes to shape our sport and opens up a much-needed line of communication between athletes and Welsh Athletics, particularly those that make decisions. It allows us to listen to the needs of young athletes, to ensure that they have the best experience possible in our sport, that hopefully will encourage them to stay active in the sport either in an athlete, official or coaching capacity.


Members of JAV


Hopes for the future of JAV:

  • Look at integrating this into the Young Ambassador scheme – to offer our young athletes more opportunities to affect sport for young people, and to be a part of a wider forum. HP & LD Attending the Young Ambassador Conference on 8th November to find out more about this.
  • Have an established line of communication between young athletes and Welsh Athletics.
  • Athletes to create their own action plan /strategies to try and get views of more athletes within their age group, supported by Welsh Athletics.
  • In the future, we’d like to see it develop into a forum that helps inform decisions on elements that directly influence young athletes.
  • Raise the profile of our sport to young people across Wales via Instagram takeovers, stalls at competitions and within their clubs.


The group met for the first time at the National Clubs Conference and discussed ideas around how they could communicate with their peers and Welsh Athletics - write up here


Draft Terms of Reference 

For more information or to get involved, please contact or