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Dod o hyd i’ch cystadleuaeth

Defnyddiwch yr hidlyddion y islaw i chwilio am eich digwyddiad.

Trac a Maes

Cardiff and the Vale U15 Boys Championships

CardVSch u15B Champs.jpg

Thursday 18 May

LOCATION: Cardiff International Sports Campus


Pupils from any school district wishing to participate should speak to their school PE teacher for event times. 

Age Groups School Years
U15 / Junior Year 8 & 9
Provisional Timetable Click here

The event will act as a district trial for the The Welsh Secondary Schools & Colleages Track & Field Championships.

The Welsh Secondary Schools & Colleges U15, U17 & U20 Track & Field Championships will be held at Cardiff on Saturday 1st July.

1. The meeting is held in the spirit of UK Athletics rules and under Cardiff & the Vale of Glamorgan Schools' rules. Schools are invited to enter a maximum of two pupils in each individual event. Each pupil may compete in a maximum of three individual events, plus a relay. If a pupil competes in three individual events, one of the three must be a field event. Pupils are NOT permitted to compete in both 800 metres and 1500 metres events at this fixture.

2. AGE GROUP U15 athletes must be over 13 and under 15 at midnight on August 31st/September 1st 2023 [Years 8 & 9].

3. SAFETY POLICY (a) In wet weather, only pupils wearing spikes will be permitted to compete in high jump and hurdles races. (b) Only pupils competing in events are permitted inside the perimeter fence of the competition area. Spectators, supporters and athletes, who are not competing, must stay outside the perimeter fence. Pupil spectators are NOT permitted in the outside throws area. (c) The centre of the track is a danger area. Pupils must never cross it.

4. REPORTING POLICY All track athletes must report to the Starters’ Assistants at least 20 minutes before the event is due to start.

5. Pupils are required to wear their school (or college) vest. In all individual events, pupils will be issued with a unique number, which must be worn on the front of their vest and attached by 4 pins. The wearing of club, district, regional or national vests is not permitted. Competitors, who are deemed to be unsuitably dressed by the appropriate referee, will be liable to disqualification.

6. In all track and field events pupils are expected to wear the unique number (which they have been issued with) on the front of their vest. Each number must be fastened to the vest EITHER by four pins - one at each corner of the number – OR by double-sided tape.

7. In track events up to and including 300 metres, including hurdles events, the fastest athletes in each event, irrespective of finishing position in their heat, will qualify to compete in the A final. The next fastest group of athletes will qualify to compete in the B final. Heat winners will not necessarily compete in the A final as of right. If two Finals are held, the B Final will be held first followed by the A Final.

8. The 800 and 1500 metres events - both boys and girls - will be held as time-trials. An athlete’s time will determine his / her overall position. All pupils must report to the first time trial and will then be allocated to a time trial.

9. Points scoring at this fixture:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th
17 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

10. In all throws and horizontal jumps, athletes will be permitted three attempts.

11. If a pupil, who has competed in the heats of a track event and qualifies for the final, either arrives late for the final or withdraws from the final on the grounds of illness or injury, he/she will not be eligible to take part in any further event on the track or on the field during the remaining events at that meeting. The pupil will not be eligible for any available points in that or any subsequent events at the meeting, but any points gained in events, prior to that final, will stand.

12. Pupils taking part are advised that the wearing of jewellery and the use of headphones and mobile phones INSIDE the competition area constitutes a health and safety hazard. Jewellery should not be worn and iPods and mobile phones are to be switched off, and headphones are to be stored when a pupil is competing in the competition area.

13. The first floor inside the building is ‘OUT OF BOUNDS’ to ALL pupils. A high standard of behaviour – towards the facilities and all staff who work there - is expected of all pupils while on site at Cardiff ISC.