The Rise of the Phoenix Volunteer…
07/06/2020 00:00, I Mewn Blog / Club Notice Board / Road /
Ogmore Phoenix Runners would like to say a massive #VolunteersWeek “Thank You” to all of their amazing volunteers that support the club. Ogmore Phoenix is a real community club supported by so many through these unprecedented times, the club has seen inspirational commitment from their volunteers providing support and camaraderie for both their members and the wider running community in South Wales.
In addition, special mentions go out to members;
Debbie Bennion a club member who has worked tirelessly and also helped to set up a local field hospital for post COVID-19 patients – amazing and inspirational!
Steven James and Elizabeth Sim for their extended efforts in helping to bring the club together at this time even when we are all forced to be apart (well social distancing anway!).
The unstoppable Dai Kembrey (Coach Kembo) who has battled through recent challenges to see him return as one of the key club; coaches, pacers, motivators, etc… driving, inspiring and supporting members through the pandemic.
Club member and key worker Jayne Bissmire who professionally has been working 24/7 since the start of the pandemic but still managing to find time to be the club Instagram Guru! Generating content and the mastermind behind the hugely motivational ‘Phoenix Knights do Miles for Mind’ initiative which was a huge success.
Pippa Clark, who juggles a hectic family life with being a nurse and still manages to find time to support club activities; collating stats for virtual races and the clubs virtual parkrun initiative, sitting on the club race committee and being the club female captain. Supported by husband Dan their commitment and hard work through this time and the way they are ensuring that members remain engaged with club activity is clearly hugely appreciated.
Club ‘Statman’ and male captain, Gareth Jenkins, who continues to give a huge amount of his time to the club; helping to make sure results are logged and stored for future reference, keeping monthly blog posts up to date and maintaining internal competition by revising and managing the club championships virtually to keep members focused – all roles that are especially important at this time.
And last, but certainly not least, the biggest ‘Thank You’ must go to Club Chairman Chris Pratt. The ‘Tireless Chair’ who has driven the club forward in recent years, extending the reach and the wider community of runners with the club now boasting over 300 members. Unwavering in his devotion to the club and always available to members should anyone need help or support – which we know is essential during these exceptional times. Ever present on social media, continuing to be positive and motivating, the Welsh Athletics pages were flooded with nominations for Chris to be recognised for his actions and inspirational leadership of the club at this time - and rightly so.
Congratulations to all at Ogmore Phoenix Runners.
#SupportYourClub #VolunteersWeek