Junior Athlete Voice Applications are now Open
04/09/2019 00:00, I Mewn Blog /
Junior Athlete Voice Applications are now OPEN
Application Form
The Role
- We’re looking for young people aged 15-19, from across Wales, to become part of our Junior Athlete Forum.
- We want to hear voices from junior athletes from all backgrounds across Wales.
- The Junior Athlete Forum will provide an opportunity for young people to voice their opinions & thoughts on our sport.
- As part of the forum, you will help to shape initiatives across Wales.
- You will recognise, promote and advocate young people within athletics in Wales.
- Be able to attend 2 meetings a year, the first will be Sat 19th October at the Vale Hotel, Hensol.
How to apply
It's really simple, all you have to do is...
- Send a 1 minute video into us at hannah.pretty@welshathletics.org and answer the two below questions:
- What change do you think the Junior Athlete Voice could bring to athletics in Wales?
- Why do you think it’s important for Welsh Athletics to hear the voice of junior athletes? - Complete the short application form, so we can get in touch with you, and attach it to the email.
The deadline is Friday 20th September, successful applicants will be invited on Sat 19th October for the first forum meeting at The Vale Resort, Hensol, Vale of Glamorgan.
If you have any accessibility requirements in order to attend, please contact Hannah - hannah.pretty@welshathletics.org