Amber Simpson sets sights on Birmingham 2022
14/01/2020 00:00, I Mewn Blog / Track & Field /
Welsh Hammer Thrower, Amber Simpson, who has competed in the Welsh vests on numerous occasions sets her sights on Birmingham 2022. After moving to America last year with a new coach and new way of life to get used to, we caught up with her to find out how her training is coming along, how she is adapting to life in America, what she has planned for the season and beyond and why she loves athletics.
“When I first went to America I found the training so different but I love it. It’s a lot of hours when I have classes 8am until 1pm and then practice in the afternoons, sometimes I don’t get home until quite late and then I have homework on top of that too.
As a hammer thrower, I find the training so diverse from countless drills, sprints, plyometrics and weights. But I love the diversity of the training. I will typically train 5-6 days a week.
So far this year, training has been going really well. I’ve been working on a lot of my weaknesses and I feel I am in the best shape yet! I’m about to head into my indoor season where I throw the weight which typically looks the same as hammer but it’s really different! It’s mainly an American event but it gets me stronger and keeps me entertained during the winter season.
My big goal as of right now is Birmingham 2022,.I have a lot of goals this year that I want to achieve and I want to keep pushing out my distance. Last year was a warm up year for me with my new coach and adapting to the new training and techniques, so I’m very excited to see what I can do this year!
I am so appreciative to my coach Kevin Robinson and the opportunities he’s given me, he has changed my life immensely and I’ll forever be grateful to him. I can’t wait to see where he takes me! I would have never made it to where I am now without my parents, and they are a big driving force to me. My dad especially, puts a lot of passion into what I do and he’s the reason why I am able to compete in America now. He is also the reason why I love athletics so much.”
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