Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport Week 2023: Be their biggest supporter
27/09/2023 00:00, I Mewn Blog / Club Notice Board /
Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport is a national, year-round campaign run by the NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (NSPCC CPSU) which aims to raise awareness of the important role parents play in keeping their child safe and happy in sport.
Alongside the year-round campaign, a focus week takes place during the first week of October to highlight the campaign and launch new resources and guidance for parents and carers. This focus week brings to life the campaign messages with stories from parents, young people, and coaches.
To celebrate this year’s campaign, the NSPCC CPSU will be launching a brand-new film called “My No.1 Fan” which will feature real families, talking about what positive parental behaviour and support means to them and how negative behaviour can impact children’s enjoyment of sport.
To find out more about being your child’s biggest supporter and how to get involved with the campaign, visit thecpsu.org.uk/parents