AGM Reminder
04/09/2019 00:00, I Mewn Blog /
The Welsh Athletics Annual General Meeting will take place on the 26th of October at the Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod Wells.
The preliminary notice can be found here. Members are reminded that any notices of motion, nominations for officer roles or updates to company members need to be submitted by the 13th of September.
Currently, no nominations have been received for the following key officer roles;
- Secretary to the General Council
- Secretary to the Track and Field Committee
- Secretary to the Endurance Officials Committee
All nominations should be submitted to the company secretary (matt.newman@welshathletics.org) by the above date – all nominations must be submitted and seconded by company members. Further information on this year's Annual General Meeting, along with members papers will appear on the dedicated 2019 AGM webpage