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Staying Active

There are lots of ways to get involved in Athletics, even now in these unusual times, there is lots you can do from home and we'll be collating as many of the wonderful creative ideas our clubs and coaches and the wider sporting community are coming up, plus providing some of our own to help you Stay Active. We've also produced a set of FAQs on the situation FAQS V2and guidance on running while maintaining social distancing:  ENGLISH | CYMRAEG 

We have also produced this advice on returning to exercise if you are recovering from having the COVID19 virus - NB Return to exercise guidelines are constantly being updated as experts learn more about the virus & its effects.

Check out our lockdown sessions workouts produced by our National Talent Development Coordinators, and activities for Officials

Sport Wales has launched #BeActiveWales - a campaign to keep us all active at this time with Gentle, General, & Advanced activities.


We've launched a special home-based set of resources from our new Starting Blocs programme.


Disability Sport Wales has launched #InThisTogether - a campaign full of inclusive exercises that you can watch and get involved with at home. 
Sport Wales has launched a Physical Training Guidance document full of information for coaches and athletes on how to carry on training during Lockdown.


Keep your mind active - some challenges for you:

Mental wellbeing - Bitesize Self Care series presented by Sarah Carvell Sport Psychologist Sport Wales

Introduction to Self Care 

How to practise Self Care

Challenges to Self Care

Self Care resources to help you

Coping with change presented by Louise Jones Lead Sport Psychologist Sport Wales

3 top tips to help you stay motivated during lockdown 

Keep yourself activeOfficials Step challenge 

Keep learning Webinar - Changes within the new UKA rules for competition 2020-2022. Delivered by Peter Crawshaw, Tim Soutar and John Temperton.

Webinar - Role of a field referee Delivered by John Driscoll. 

Webinar - Officiating Off-Track Endurance events from Grass Roots to Championships. Delivered by Arwel Williams & Graham Heeley. 

What does EDM stand for? Electronic Distance Measuring kit which is made up of 3 items inside the EDM box delivered by Bob Hammond. 

Assembling the parts:

Video 1 - Setting up and placement of the machiene

Video 2 - EDM Powering up and programming 

Video 3 - Tips & Tricks

Webinar - Gadgets & Gizmos within T&F officiating (Part 1). Delivered by Steve Marshall. 

Put your officiating knowledge to the test with a series of officiating questions to help educate and reinforce learning for new and experienced officials: